Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Stencils and Gelatos - STAMPlorations Blog Hop Day 2

After yesterday's white-on-white card was done I sighed, oohed and aaahed a little bit, and then immediately needed to shake that CAS off by getting messy. 

So, I had to pull out my gelatos, naturally!

Today marks day 2 of the STAMPlorations stencil hop. All of our design team will be sharing super-fandiddlytastic ways to use those plastic slabs effectively. 

There are TONS of fabulous prizes! Over 10 of them... which gives you some pretty good odds of winning something new for your crafty stash. 

And now, back to my card. As I said, I busted out the gelatos for this little number. Gelatos are a sort of like a watercolor crayon... They are waxy and you can scribble them directly onto the paper. I wrote a full tutorial on some ways to use gelatos >>here<< if you want some more information. 

If you haven't used Gelatos yet I'm going to give you some advice:
1) You will be addicted. You will be in love. You will feel feelings you've never felt before and then spend your entire craft allowance (and then some) to purchase as many of these fabulous waxy sticks as you can. So be prepared.
2) In the words of Nike, Just Do It. Seriously. You won't regret it! Probably. 

I started out by using the ARTplorations Shower of Flutters Stencil. This is actually a mask, not a stencil, which just means that it will leave the negative image instead of the positive image on the card.

I used some washi tape to stick down the mask so it wasn't going anywhere and then I used Old Paper Distress Inks and began sponging. I added a heavier layer of ink in the upper left corner and then gradually reduced the amount as I was going to the right to give it an ombre feel. 

When I was good and finished, I removed the mask and started scribbling on some gelatos to the white butterfly spaces. 

Please pardon my messy mat! Such is the life of a mixed media card maker - those things never come clean! I applied gelatos, but left a tiny bit of white space around the edges. After it was scribbled on, I used a baby wipe to wet down my fingers and gave them a good smudge, which helps to blend the colors and give it a smooth look. 

Then I used the butterfly stamps from the Trendy Butterflies set to stamp over some of the butterflies with white pigment ink. The Trendy Butterflies set is actually made to pair perfectly with this stencil - how neat is that?!?!

For my final step, I outlined some of the butterflies and added trailing white dots in the edges with Claudine Hellmuth's Studio mini applicator in white acrylic. Then I stamped a sentiment from the STAMPlorations Fond Expressions set.

All in all, I'm drooling over this one and I feel more like my normal self! 

I'm going to link it up with the following challenges:
Cupcake Inspirations - Bugs and Butterflies
Friday Mashup - Create a card with butterflies or use inspiration image

As for you crafty peeps - head on over to STAMPlorations! Check out what the rest of the team made! You'll find links to all our projects here.

Thanks for popping by! Follow my blog and leave me a comment and I will do my utmost to come peek in on you, too!


  1. Wow..Those butterflies are so bright and look as if ready to fly ! Loved the sponged bg and fab color combo :)

  2. Oh, so pretty - thanks for reminding me about my neglected gelatos....

  3. love your relationship to the gelatos :o) I feel the same way - beautiful card

  4. OOh, feeling blue!! Love your card!!

  5. What a pretty card and such a contrast to yesterday. Love this messier side of your art! I looked at the gelatos last time I was in Hobbycraft but restrained myself, perhaps I was wrong....... :)

  6. Wow~ Love your fabulous colors and creative design!

  7. Awesomeness is the correct word....I love the blue against the old paper brown. Stunning card...such a difference from yesterdays all white beauty.

  8. The blue is gorgeous. I have a gold gelato. Maybe i should pull it out and give it a whirl. Hugz

  9. ermagerd, Becca, I am in LOVE with this! and that sentiment rocks!

  10. Hi Becca!! You've been rockin' all of your cards, lately!! I've been admiring them all, just no time to come by and ogle and drool appropriately ;) :) Love your gelato butterflies!! I need to get some of those gelatos (and not the Italian dessert!) ;) :) Just a lovely card!! Your Awesomeness is taking you places, Girl!! YAY!! XOXO-Shari

  11. Holy moley...what an amazing creation. Fabulous color combined with an eye for design makes this a stellar (yes, I said stellar) card.

  12. Beautiful card, Becca! Beautiful stencil mask and great technique! I always learn so much when I'm here. I really appreciate your tutorials. I went back to look at your Gelatos tutorial again too.

  13. Hi Becca, you've done it! Now I have to go out and buy some Gelatos. I've never tried them and simply have to now. Gorgeous results! Love that Shower of Flutters, the colours you've used, the way you've interpreted our challenge... Just love it all. Thanks so much for joining the Friday Mashup Challenge this week.

  14. Great technique gąbkownia. A beautiful end result

  15. Wow, totally brilliant card. Love the colors. Thanks for sharing your amazing card with us at Cupcake Inspirations! 

  16. Absolutely stunning!! The butterflies look amazing!! Gosh, I have the whole set of gelatos and haven't played with them in forever...you've inspired me!! Love the colors and the fab sentiment, too!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  17. Beautiful card - wonderful colors and thanks for showing how you made this:)

  18. soooo gorgeous!! LOVE the colors and sweet butterflies!!!

  19. A bright and beautiful card Becca...I have a box of gelatos largely untouched, must remedy that soon! Carol x

  20. Swooning, Becca, major swooning over how gorgeous your gelatos gem is! I have four gelatos...need to plan a play date to see if they'll work the same magic for me as they do for you! Love your card!

  21. Fabulous design, Becca! Love the colour combination.. X

  22. Need to get out my gelatos and play, your card is beautiful!! Thanks for the tutorial :)

  23. Wow, this is just gorgeous Becca! I've never tried those gelatos, but I'm thinking now that I might pick some up because I just love the effect you created with them! So beautiful! hugs :)

  24. What a pretty design, marvelous card Becca!

  25. Really gorgeous with the blue colors Becca!! Love that butterfly stencil!! WOW!

    1. Well just sayin' - you get a free stencil with any order (no minimum) right now at STAMPlorations. ;) wink* wink*

  26. Beautiful color you've achieved. My fave part...those white dots!

  27. This is so pretty! I love the techniques you used - I just discovered Gelatos - super fun product!

  28. Love your gorgeous scribbling Becca. TFS your beauty.

  29. Now I "need" the stencil since I already have Trendy Butterflies! This is stunning, Becca! My Gelatos never end up looking like this!

  30. My gelatos don't look like this either, Becca!! I am also drooling over this card - the blue butterflies are calling my name. :)

  31. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at Cupcake Inspirations, good luck!!! Amy DT Sweetie

  32. Gorgeous, love the use of gelato for the masked butterflies!

  33. Wow! Simply beautiful! Love that stencil ♥

  34. This is fantastic workmanship! I love these butterflies. Your imagination never ceases to amaze me. I wonder how you go the different looks of each butterfly??

    1. This stencil/mask has a matching stamp set called Trendy Butterflies (also STAMPlorations) and it is designed to be the exact shape of the stencil. So once I had the different gelatos down and blended (I used 3 shades of blue gelatos) I stamped over some of the butterflies with the matching stamps, using white pigment ink. Is this what you were asking?

  35. Love the card and love the technique!!! The background is beautiful!!!

  36. Awesome awesome card Becca ..Love the way you have used the stencil and gelatos here ..Everything about this card is just beautiful !!!

  37. Such a pretty card Becca, love the colours, hugs Carole Z X

  38. Oh Becca - you used my favourite blues - thank you for sharing this fabulous card.

  39. OhYES!! Now, this is the Becca I'm used to, LOL!!! LOOOOOVE the blue butterflies.....& I Must get out my gelatos...haven't played with them for a while:):)

  40. This is simply stunning. Becca - love what you've done here!!!
    Have a great day!!!!

  41. Another stunning creation, Becca! Gelatos + fingers = fun!

  42. So much depth here Becca! This is quite amazing!!
    Thank You~

  43. Beautiful and amazing card. Love the blue colors and the masking technique. You did a fabulous job with my challenge this week. Thanks for playing along at The Friday Mashup!

  44. Another WOW, Becca! Love the card layout and the colors you used; love every element of this fab creation!

  45. Really like the added white dots and outlines! It's magical how the white piece of cardstock became a masterpiece:)

  46. I love the whimsical feel of this card! Pretty colors! Thanks for playing along at Friday Mashup!

  47. Brilliant card! And love the technique!

  48. love your colors and how you used the gelatos!

  49. I was speechless when I first saw it... and I still am :)

  50. I will tell you what -- The awesomeness of this card overwhelms me - you are just shining like crazy with these stencil cards!!! You so totally rocked my world with this super amazing card!!!

  51. Oh I love to see how you made your card
    great ombree feeling by looking at your card
    adorable butterfly with gelatos

  52. I'm new to your site and your products.... one thing for sure though... this card is lovely. I "like" your normal self alot!!!! j.

  53. Beautiful colors and beautiful butterflies. Amazing card.

  54. WOOT,WOOT - you are the Glamette of the day - congrats, Becca!

  55. I always love your techniques Becca! The butterflies are ready to flutter by:), just wonderful!

  56. Wow, lovely effect, beautiful card.

  57. HOLY MOLY this is cool!! I have been following you for sometime and must say I am huge fan!! Great work on the MashUp! I have to use my Gelatos too.. And I MUST get on Stamplorations and get some of the products.. They are fab!!

  58. This is stunning! Love the blues! So glad you were inspired by our Bugs & Butterflies challenge at Cupcake Inspirations! Debbie, DT Sweetie

  59. Oh my goodness, Becca...this card is absolutely GORGEOUS! You have really brought these butterflies to life with your inking on the background and I love how you used your Gelatos! A really stunning effect...Love it!!!
